If you really don’t have the money to spend, then you should try to snipe them from the marketplace as soon as possible. They are pretty much a requirement in Black Desert. Pets will automatically pick up loot for you and can really save you time when grinding. I would highly recommend buying at least 2 or 3 pets from the in-game store. The tutorial takes a very long time to complete and unless you read everything, you won’t learn much anyway besides basic movement. I personally recommend skipping the tutorial unless it is your first time. When you create your character and enter the game, you will be given a tutorial to follow which will guide you through various beginning areas. It’s also important to note that if there is a 10 level difference between the highest level character and the lowest, then all party members will not get loot. If your friends are willing to help all the way then you should be fine, but please understand that powerleveling to the level you want to be will not stop you from having to grind more for money/skill points. I must warn against powerleveling if it is your first and main character however, because it will leave you with very little skill points ( approx 400 – 500) and you will not be able to get all the skills you need to grind on your own. Powerleveling is viable and it can take as little as 2 hours to get to level 56 if the person helping you has high AP and all EXP buffs are used.